Wow, the last year is really strong

It’s already been a year since we were located in DHT’s building in Hovedgård and we packed up our small business and moved to Løsning.

It’s definitely been a gigantic hard year, but also worth it 🙏

We now have 20 employees in Denmark and Poland, and we’ve been incredibly lucky to get a lot of really good partners.

I must honestly admit that we didn’t expect this at all, and we are extremely proud of our development over the past year. And it has only succeeded thanks to a lot of fantastic people internally and externally who have helped support our company.

A huge thank you to everyone who has helped us get here. It has been an amazing help.

What does the future hold???? Yes, we have several exciting initiatives underway that will be announced over the coming months.

You can find out more about us at

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